The Good Side Of Blue Light

Confused about blue light’s benefit’s and risks? We specifically work with Blue light that is 465 nm and here is a nice illustration from the Review of Optometry of how this blue-turquoise wavelength of light is so important to vision, sleep, hormones, and our rhythm of life.

The labeled blue-turquoise light range, which is from 465 nm to 495 nm, is essential to our vision, the function of our pupillary reflex, and in general to human health. It also helps to regulate our Circadian sleep/wake cycle.11 So blue light in general can have healthy affects on vision as well as the body, and it is this blue-turquoise light that tends to have these beneficial effects. Inadequate light exposure means inadequate blue-turquoise light, which can throw off our Circadian biological clock and our sleep/wake cycle. So this blue-turquoise light really plays a vital role in the general health of the individual.

Perhaps this study may help you better understand the differences between blue-violet that has been shown to stress the retina and blue turquoise which does not:…/tabview…/lessonid/109744/

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